Episode 051

Musings by Nora Powell (It can't be an October Surprise... if the words are her's & she spoke them!)


October 26th, 2019

13 mins 21 secs

Your Host

About this Episode


Ladies & Gentlemen, this Episode #051 is a very short and to the point show covering very important statements made by a Candidate running for Office in Muncie, Indiana. These statements made BY the Candidate contradict beliefs the Candidate has tried to portray to voters! Listen and decide for yourself the importance of the statements she makes! I, for one, believe these statements to be a look at who I truly see, when I look at the Candidate!

In this short episode, you will hear a quick 54 second clip of (6) six statements made by: At Large, Muncie City Council, Incumbent, 214-Democrat Nora Powell. SOME OF THE WORDS IN SOME OF THE STATEMENTS MAY NOT BE SUITABLE FOR WORK OR CHILDREN... Parental Guidance Suggested! I offer an apology to you and I will offer an apology on Councilor Powell's behalf!

In April & May of 2019 I was 'interview prepping' several Candidates running for various offices in various communities! At Large, Muncie City Council, Incumbent, 214-Democrat Nora Powell was one of the Candidates! During a series of discussions with Councilor Powell, leading up to her "Candidate Interview" on April 28th, 2019, and during a few follow up discussions Councilor Powell made the following (6) six statements you will be hearing here!

These statements are HER WORDS! With no EDITS other than the edits to push the (6) statements together simply to condense what otherwise was several hours worth of conversion. *Her statements begin @ 8:56.

Please listen and share with all voters in the Muncie, Indiana area! For listeners OUTSIDE of Muncie or the state of Indiana! I am sorry for this extremely local episode... and to all listeners I am sorry for the short nature of the entire episode! However, the short episode serves two purposes:

1 - we are down to 2 episodes before the BIG #054 Episode that will air on Election Day (Tuesday 11.05.19). I am preparing content for both episodes #052 (airing on: Tuesday 10.29.19) & #053 (airing on: Saturday 11.02.19)... as well as, prepping for the FaceBook Live episodes on Monday 10.28.19 & Monday 11.04.19 (you can catch those Live episodes @ www.facebook.com/Bilbrey318). And of course, we will have all day LIVE coverage on Election Day... as well, episode #054 will air Tuesday night 11.05.19.


2 - keeping this episode short will ensure more voters have a chance to hear the statements, because, lets face it, there are. people that will want to listen that are not regular listeners and they will want to get right to the statements!

We will be back on Tuesday 10.29.19 with a regular, full length show... episode #052! Looking forward to talking to you all then!

Until then, please share this and all other episodes... as well as the home link: https://perception.fireside.fm

Perception IS Reality w/Kristopher H. Bilbrey 10.26.19
(Produced by: The Vulgar Poets)